SB 556


All, this is super easy to do. It is a quick phone call and no one is going to be calling you back or putting you on any type of list. You follow the text prompts you will receive and say….“My name is (NAME), from (COMPANY NAME), and I am calling to ask the Senator to oppose SB 556.”

Click here to help out!

Further instructions below…

Join CIPA in opposing SB 556 (Senator Lena Gonzalez)

We are writing to encourage you to join us in actively working to defeat SB 556.  As you may know, SB 556 would needlessly expose California’s independent producers to massive legal liabilities. The bill could very likely spell the end of oil production in California by unjustly exposing every California oil producer to billions of dollars in unjustified liability for the illnesses experienced by people living within 3,200-feet of an oil well, regardless of cause.

How You Can Help:
You can help us fight back by opting-in to our telephone campaign to defeat SB 556 by providing your name, cell phone number, and company name on this spreadsheet.

Also, please forward this message and the link above to everyone in your company and invite them to opt-in to make telephone calls opposing SB 556, and to also be ready to oppose other bad bills in the future.

NOTE: All personal information provided will be kept private within CIPA’s database AND ONLY USED TO ACTIVATE DURING KEY LEGISLATIVE ACTION ALERTS.
When you provide your cell phone number, CIPA, in coordination with Randle Communications, will be able to send you a text using a software feature that streamlines the calling process to a lawmaker’s office.

By accepting the text and following the prompt, you will be patched through to the Senator named in the text you receive.
At that point, CIPA’s expectation is for those who agree to participate to simply say:
“My name is (NAME), from (COMPANY NAME), and I am calling to ask the Senator to oppose SB 556.”
Additional Details on SB 556:
The bill is set for a hearing in the Senate Appropriations Committee on Monday, May 15, 2023.
The bill assumes that anyone with specific illnesses, like cancer and/or respiratory illnesses, who live within 3,200-feet of an oil well are sick because of the oil well. The bill blames the oil industry for peoples’ illnesses without any scientific evidence that an oil well is, or ever was, the cause. The bill also does not consider peoples’ lifestyle choices, like smoking or other behaviors that negatively impact one’s health.
SB 556 ignores the impacts of freeway and road traffic, along with port pollution and the supertankers emitting massive amounts of methane and other serious chemicals that drift into the LA basin and are a real threat to public health, according to the South Coast Air Quality Management District.

Time is of the Essence:
Please add your information to the spreadsheet above as soon as possible.  ou will receive all the information you need by text to contact key legislators to encourage them to vote “no” on SB 556. CIPA needs to defeat the bill as quickly as possible, so thank you in advance for your prompt participation. 
If you have any questions, please contact Sean Wallentine at (916) 717-3176.